
At Hudson Data LLC we strive for creative thinking, innovation, professionalism, career growth and work life balance
In our current corporate environment, most firms choose to enhance their in-house intellectual property by sourcing third party employees as and when their respective business demands it. Shareholder requirements, technological advances, project deadlines are few of the reasons that lead to volatile and unpredictable corporate staffing needs. As a result, most firms are often unable to counter this unpredictability unless they look beyond their internal boundaries. To stay competitive in this cutthroat market, firms need a comprehensive plan to identify, recruit, retain and re-train IT staff.

Firms can now, however, opt for IT consulting, which is a simpler, cost-effective, flexible and highly efficient solution. Hudson Data LLC’s expertise in this the field of IT consulting is par excellence and covers the entire recruitment process, for aligning both your firm’s needs along with our deliverables in to one seamless process. Given the efficient nature of our processes, we can begin deploying specialists in less than two weeks. Our IT specialists are talented, experienced and most importantly, team players who will integrate within your organization effortlessly.

Hudson Data LLC has an enviable track record of providing our services to a multitude of firms from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. Our clients appreciate the talent they are presented with and the efficient nature of our service delivery. By incorporating our talent in to your firm, we bring value to your projects by minimizing costs and increasing your competitive advantage, which is something all firms wish to attain.

Helping to create engaging, productive and profitable organizations

Our commitment to client satisfaction, deep regard for personal relationships and dedication to quality is the cornerstone to our continued success.